Roof Restoration in MelbourneWe offer several options regarding roof restoration in Melbourne. All of our services are backed by our quality assurance guidelines. We are sure that you will be happy with all of the roof restoration we do in Melton, Sunbury, and Gisborne. If you’re looking for cheap roof restoration in Melbourne, we can provide services that will work within your budget. The Process of Roofing Restoration in MelbourneAll of our roofing restoration in Melbourne begins with removing all the old mortar. We then grind back the edges of the ridges, on the valleys and gables we grind the cut tiles back to clean and straight edges. Whilst doing this process we replace any broken tile and attend to any leaking areas. Once we have finished bedding down the caps we then apply weep holes to the main top ridges to prevent leaks. 
After bedding down the ridge and replacing broken tiles, our roofing restoration in Melton, Sunbury, and Gisborne then proceeds to the next phase. We clean the roof tiles with a high pressure washer at 3000psi. We take extra care cleaning all the tiles as this is the most important stage to painting your roof. Making sure every bit of dirt, grit, mould moss etc. is removed allows us to comfortably offer a minimum of a 7 year warranty.  We use flexi point which has been recognised as the most efficient flexible pointing on the market. This procedure takes around 2 to 6 hours depending on the size of the roof. Flexi point is designed to prevent the ridges from cracking and coming loose, your roof does move over a period of time and the flexible pointing allows for that slight movement. We are very confident in applying this procedure, which is why we offer a 15 year guarantee on all of our cheap roof coatings in Melbourne.  Roof Coatings in MelbourneOnce the above procedures have been completed, we then begin the roof coatings in Melbourne phase. Depending on the condition of the tiles we either use primer or a bonding agent prior to applying the colour. This procedure bonds to the surface allowing the paint to dry and give the most life possible. Once the roof has been primed it is then time to start with the colour. We apply two coats of roof paint making sure all of the tile is covered. We have colour charts to help you choose which colour would most suit your style of house. Our roof coatings in Melton, Sunbury, and Gisborne are guaranteed to last for years and are backed by our exceptional warranties. Choose Hodges for all of your cheap roofing restoration needs and be happy with the results. 